Sunday, October 22, 2023

Making homemade blackberry and blueberry wine

 On September 29th, I began fermenting two very small bottles of wine: one blackberry and one blueberry. Simple ingredients: the fruit, sugar, and water. At this point, they are still fermenting in bottles with caps loosened on them. I give each bottle a shake every other day. 

I am trying to achieve a fruit wine that is less sweet than most currently available commercially produced fruit wine. 

Wednesday, June 14, 2023

2013 Cakebread Chardonnay

To my delight, I recently acquired a bottle of 2013 Cakebread Chardonnay, and it is my delight to share a blog post about it. It is a rare treat for me.  I remember the very first time that I ever tasted Cakebread Chardonnay, years ago. An acquaintance of mine had taken a business trip to the Napa Valley wine region in California, and he brought me a bottle from the winery. Being a self- proclaimed Chardonnay Girl when it comes to wine. I thought it was the best Chardonnay that I had ever tasted. I did some checking at local grocery stores (not available here, in large part). Next I checked local restaurants. It was indeed available at the more upscale ones, to the tune of $75 a bottle! I had never had any wine that cost $75 a bottle in my life! I did enjoy it, but it is not a staple for me, due to my finances. All the more reason to share a blog post about the special wine that I am enjoying. Sante! 

Saturday, February 18, 2023

Happy National Drink Wine Day!

It's National Drink Wine Day! Hope all my fellow winelovers out there are enjoying their favorite wine to mark the occasion! Being a Chardonnay girl myself, I am savoring a glass of chilled La Crema Chardonnay! Salut! 

Making homemade blackberry and blueberry wine

 On September 29th, I began fermenting two very small bottles of wine: one blackberry and one blueberry. Simple ingredients: the fruit, suga...